Zane's skills allow him to be flexible when in combat. He charge into the heat of battle with his drone, drop his barrier to hold his ground, or even deploy his Digi-Clone to draw the enemy's attention.
Zane is the only Vault Hunter that can equip two action skills at a time. This allows him to control the tide of battle on the fly. He can mix and match skills for maximum DPS, or even create a balance between offense and defense!

Zane several Build:
1.Freeze Shut Down
Build Overview
Freeze enemies in place with the Freeze Shot Build. Centered on Zane's Cryo and Barrier Support Skills, this build will balance your survivability and DPS! Using his Action Skills will allow you to tank as much damage as you can, while also dishing it out to enemies.
Build Strengths
Balance Between Support & DPS
This build can sustain players in fights with the additional buffs since it is a hybrid between a support & damage build. It's not a pure support or pure DPS build so it allows you to become more flexible in combat.
Focus on Freezing & Slowing Enemies
This whole build revolves around Zane's Cryo abilities, particularly increasing its damage and proc rate. Slowed down & frozen enemies become easy targets for players while also stopping a bit of aggro for a while.
Tips for the Build
Main a Cryo Weapon
Do not rely solely on the skills to freeze your enemies. It would be best to get a strong cryo weapon for a constant stream of freezing. You can also choose to get a cryo grenade if you want to maximize your damage.
2.Agility & Survivability
Build Strengths
High Maneuverability
Keeping your Action Skills up at all times is essential to giving Zane his boost of speed and damage. He will become relatively easy target once skills are down, so learn when to time your strike and when to fall back.
Tips for the Build
Seein' Red Recommended for Late Game
Due to the enemy becoming substantially more powerful and tough to take down in end game battles, it is recommended to get the Seein' Red skills ready to be used. This skill allows you to utilize the Kill Skills when you deploy any action skills.
Use Digi-Clone When Under Heavy Fire
The Digi-Clone will act as your survivability tool when under enemy attack. Use it to distract enemies and should you ever get downed, as an instant Second Wind. With the help of some tweaks to the skill, you can use it to teleport out of pinches to help you recover.
3.Shield&Clone Sustain
Build Overview
With a focus on sustaining Zane through his Digiclone and Barrier Action Skills, this build will keep your survivability at the max. Additional cryo damage and effects add to overall damage.
Build Strengths
High Sustain Build
The whole point of this build is to keep Zane in the field through the use of his barrier and digiclone. It's a high survivability build that will work especially well against multiple enemies.
Additional Cryo Damage
Cryo is a powerful element in Borderlands 3 as it universally affects all enemies unless otherwise stated to be immune. This build amps up the elemental chance and damage of Cryo for Zane!
Tips for the Build
Use Cryo Weapon as Main Weapon
Take advantage of the additional Cryo damage and chance by maining a Cryo Weapon. Besides the additional damage, freezing enemies also add health regen in this build.
Equip a High Recharge Rate Shield
Confident Competence can amp up Gun Damage to up to 20% so long as Zane's shields are active. Always go for shields with a high recharge rate when running this build.
The Borderlands 3 Items can be purchased online if you want to build Zane faster.