The realm goes down and patching begins at: Sep 24, 2020 4:00 AM (GMT+8)
The servers go live at: Sep 24, 2020 6:00 AM (GMT+8)
The Heist Supporter Packs on Xbox One will be available at the time of the launch.
recommended: Path of Exile: [Xbox One] Content Update 3.12.1
The Heist Supporter Packs on PlayStation 4 will be enabled a day later, on Thursday (PDT).
Console realms will receive the 3.12.1 version of Heist which includes all the hotfixes from the PC version (up to and including Hotfix 3) as well as the 3.12.1 update which was deployed on PC earlier this week.
When we played Path of Exile, we probably needed a lot of POE currency, which we exchanged with players in the game or bought on the Internet. You can buy POE currency in eznpc, EzNpc is the best Poe currency seller. You can buy currency here safe and cheap. Awesome price for PC, Xbox One, PS4.
That's the Path of Exile: Heist Camera on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 September Concert (PDT).