In Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis, there are 6 professions to choose from. We need to choose one of these 6 professions when we create the character. In these professions, the ranger is a long-range character. Using this character, we can attack the enemy from a distance. The following guide introduces how to create a ranger in PSO2 New Genesis.
Ranger In PSO2 New Genesis
Rangers are a long-range class that can shoot down enemies from a long distance. They are not tanky as hunters but have an increased reduction in conditions. They support teammates through skills, such as Blight Rounds, which will increase the damage of all allies to specific weak points. Rangers are a good beginner class because they are still very effective when staying away from harm.
Skills used
Blight Rounds: It can note the enemy so that it will take even more damage from attacks, including your teammates
Bad Condition Ward/Reduction: Reduce the effectiveness and duration of status ailments
Slow Landing: When you make use of regular attacks or even Photon Arts, your falling rate will be actually significantly decelerated.
Weapon used
Assault Rifles: A standard ranged weapon that causes damage from a distance
(Weapon action: a sidestep counter that can avoid harm with good timing)
Launchers: A high-powered long-range item that can dash typical assaults and also induce harm to a place.
Note that you need a lot of PSO2 Meseta to quickly complete the creation of these roles. You can get the required currency at Eznpc.