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Several Technical Terms In Diablo 2 Resurrected


Several Technical Terms In Diablo 2 Resurrected

When players enter Diablo 2 Resurrected, there are many tasks that we need to complete. Before this, we need to understand the various technical terms in the game, which can make us go more smoothly in the game.

The following terms are of interest in this context for the "Magic Find" consideration:

Quality level: All base items have a quality level ("qlvl"), which is defined in internal tables. Unique items and set items have an additional quality level called "qlvl", which is treated separately when determining the item that a monster drops. To drop a specific set or unique item, a monster must be able to drop the corresponding base item of that treasure class (see below), and it must also have a sufficiently high monster level (see below ) to drop the item's set/unique qlvl. To avoid confusion regarding the two quality levels in the following explanations, the set/unique qlvl is now referred to as "uqlvl".

Treasure Classes: Three of each of the above Item quality levels (qlvl) are combined into a small group in a so-called Treasure Class (or TC for short). So contains z. B. the TC 3 belonging to the TC called "armo3" all armor items (armor, shield, helmet, belt, gloves, boots) that have a qlvl from 1 to 3; the TC 6 called "armo6" contains all armor items from qlvl 4 to 6, etc. The highest TC since patch 1.10 is TC 87, which includes items from qlvl 85 to 87. Previously there was TC 90, but all items of this TC have now been combined in TC 87.

Area level: Like items, the various regions in the game also have their levels, the so-called area levels ("arealvl"), which are recorded separately in a special area table for each level of game difficulty (normal, nightmare, hell) (see also the table below).

Monster Levels: The monster levels ("mlvl") per game difficulty level are recorded in a special monster table. Since patch 1.10, the monster levels of the game difficulties "Nightmare" and "Hell" are overwritten with corresponding area level values ​​from the previously mentioned area table. These new monster levels affect both life points, damage, hit chance, etc. of the monsters as well as the quality of the items they can drop.

After the monster level has been determined via the area level, the monster properties and the treasure classes for the monster type are then recalculated and assigned. If a monster has a higher treasure class, it now drops items from this new class. Interestingly, the treasure classes are only adjusted upwards, but not downwards, i. H. the monster drops as originally set or better after level adjustment. Especially in the "Hell" difficulty level, there are now isolated areas with a very high level of 85 from Act 1 onwards, which promise excellent success in "Magic Find".

Although the above information can help us to play the game smoothly, if you want to have a higher ranking, then you need to buy d2r ladder items.


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